Day of the Guy
Today is not only Guy Fawke's day, it is also the birthday of a friend who has done so much to make me feel welcome in my new community. It is fascinating that his name is also Guy. As you may expect, I can't let anything like that pass without writing a poem about it:
November fifth is, in the British Isles,
A holiday devoted to “The Guy.”
The flames that from him rise enkindle smiles
As fireworks and sparklers light the sky.
But in the colonies, we have a way
To toast “The Guy” that's different, because
Instead of Fawkes, it’s Guy McPherson day,
The gayest holiday there ever was.
His precious smile is sparklier by far
Than any British fireworks could be,
And as for flames, well, honey, he’s on fire,
Far more that any ragged effigy.
So celebrate November fifth as when
Our darling Guy turns twenty-nine (again).
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