Having my Period
Well, the bluebird of happiness has left my window for the time being, and has been replaced by the raven of ennui. There has been no real change in my circumstances, but spending a week at the top of my cycle has depleted me and left me with a vague dissatisfaction. As a result, I really am not feeling effusive and have nothing profound to record. I simply felt that it might interest you, gentle reader, to know that I am having a down day.
Interestingly, my biorhythm chart claims that today is the absolute peak of my emotional cycle. We shall see, but I find that rather difficult to believe. I feel like a brittle, emotional wreck. On the positive side, I know that it shall pass; it always does. In fact, the less I fight it, the quicker I shall return to my peak. I suppose I could go back on my meds (for bipolarity), but as long as it's manageable I prefer to handle it myself. By the way, you may notice that there are blank spots in this blog. Whenever there is a space without posts, it is safe to assume that this is where I'm at.
Well, that was a different post, wasn't it?
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