Tuesday, October 04, 2005

God of Man / Manly God

Isaiahs, Ledas, Ganymedes
Have met a certain Deity,
The one whose righteous anger feeds
On blood, and whose impiety,
Admits no justice and who heeds
None but his own divinity.

This Jove was worshipped once by man,
But not by such as me.
JEHOVAH/BEING, rather than
So low a deity,
I’ll serve--whose manly justice can
Support his sovereignty.

He pours into me like a course
Of gold, such as Danæ
And Jeremiah felt the force
Of, and even today
Inspires in my breast the source
Of each small praise I say.

* * *

This is clearly a departure from my usual topic and style. Bullfinch's Mythology threw itself to the floor with a thud to make me write it--and at 900 pages, it was a noticeable comment. I thought it fitting, considering the topic, to adopt the tone of Moore and Pope, and I recognize Pushkin's meter and rhyming habit in the structure. You will notice: Jove's lines have feminine endings, JEHOVAH's masculine. And, if you have been paying attention, you will recignize my invention: Brandonesian Heptameter. By Sonia Heine's tutu, this post sounds arrogant in review. I'm really asking for it . . .


At 7:26 PM, Blogger Brandon said...

Ouch! Socrates just slit my wrist with Occam's razor!


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